
Welcome to another installment of our User Tutorials series! Today, we’ll guide you through the process of installing WordPress using cPanel. WordPress is a popular content management system that makes it easy to build and manage your website. Follow these steps to get started quickly and easily.

Step 1: Access cPanel

  1. Log in to cPanel: Open your web browser and go to your cPanel login page. Enter your username and password to access the cPanel dashboard.

Step 2: Locate the WordPress Installer

  1. Find the WordPress Installer: In the cPanel dashboard, look for the “Softaculous Apps Installer” or “WordPress Manager” under the “Software” or “Applications” section. Click on it to access the WordPress installation options.

Step 3: Start the Installation Process

  1. Begin Installation: Click on the “Install Now” button to start the WordPress installation process.
  2. Choose Installation Settings:
    • Choose Protocol: Select either “http” or “https” depending on whether you have an SSL certificate installed.
    • Choose Domain: Select the domain or subdomain where you want to install WordPress.
    • In Directory: Leave this field blank if you want WordPress installed in the root directory (e.g., www.yourdomain.com). If you want to install it in a subdirectory, enter the name of the subdirectory (e.g., blog).
  3. Set Up Site Information:
    • Site Name: Enter the name of your site.
    • Site Description: Provide a brief description of your site.
    • Admin Username: Choose a username for the WordPress admin account.
    • Admin Password: Create a strong password for the admin account.
    • Admin Email: Enter an email address for the WordPress admin notifications.
  4. Select Language: Choose the language for your WordPress installation.
  5. Advanced Options: If needed, you can configure additional settings such as database name and table prefix. For most users, the default settings are sufficient.
  6. Install: Click the “Install” button to begin the installation. The process will only take a few minutes.

Step 4: Access Your WordPress Site

  1. Visit Your Site: Once the installation is complete, you will see a success message with links to your WordPress site and the admin dashboard. Click on the provided link to access your WordPress site.
  2. Log in to Admin Dashboard: Go to the WordPress admin login page (e.g., www.yourdomain.com/wp-admin) and log in using the admin username and password you created during the installation.

Step 5: Start Customizing Your Site

  1. Choose a Theme: Once logged in, navigate to “Appearance” > “Themes” to select and install a theme for your site.
  2. Add Plugins: Go to “Plugins” > “Add New” to install plugins that add functionality to your site.
  3. Create Content: Start creating pages and posts by navigating to “Pages” and “Posts” in the admin dashboard.

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed WordPress and are ready to start building and customizing your site. If you need more help or have questions, visit our Knowledge Base or contact our support team for assistance.


  • Cheetah, the Wild Web Hosting Expert

    As the face of Wild Web Hosting’s blog, Cheetah brings you expert tips and insights on making the most of your hosting experience. With a passion for technology and a knack for simplifying complex concepts, Cheetah is here to guide you through everything from setting up your website with cPanel to optimizing performance and ensuring security. Dive in to explore helpful guides, troubleshoot common issues, and stay updated on the latest industry trends!

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By Cheetah, the Wild Web Hosting Expert

As the face of Wild Web Hosting’s blog, Cheetah brings you expert tips and insights on making the most of your hosting experience. With a passion for technology and a knack for simplifying complex concepts, Cheetah is here to guide you through everything from setting up your website with cPanel to optimizing performance and ensuring security. Dive in to explore helpful guides, troubleshoot common issues, and stay updated on the latest industry trends!

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